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Modules are like a feature or a plugin. They are a collection of endpoints, models, and other resources that are grouped together. Modules are the primary way to extend the functionality of the CDR.

Why Modules?

Since Modules are a small block of the Application Containing The View, Business Logic, User Interaction, and Data. They are easy to test and maintain. They are also easy to extend and reuse.

How To Create a Module?

To create a module Run This Command:

cdr generate <module-name>
cdr generate <module-name>


cdr g <module-name>
cdr g <module-name>

You Can also specify on which directory you want to create the module:

cdr g pat/to/<module-name>
cdr g pat/to/<module-name>

Module Structure

A Module Contains the following files and directories:

├── api
│   └── index.ts
├── controller
│   ├── Root.tsx
│   └── index.ts
├── data
├── index.ts
├── model
├── routes
│   └── Routing.tsx
├── service
│   ├── actions.ts
│   └── index.ts
└── views
    ├── RootView.tsx
    ├── css
    │   └── style.css
    └── index.ts
├── api
│   └── index.ts
├── controller
│   ├── Root.tsx
│   └── index.ts
├── data
├── index.ts
├── model
├── routes
│   └── Routing.tsx
├── service
│   ├── actions.ts
│   └── index.ts
└── views
    ├── RootView.tsx
    ├── css
    │   └── style.css
    └── index.ts

Later we will discuss each file and directory in detail.

How to Use a Module?

To use a module you have to import the index.ts file where you want to use the module. A index.ts of a module typically looks like this:

export { default as View } from "./views";
export { default as Controller } from "./controller";
export { default as middleware, apiActions } from "./service";


export actions and reducer from data layer which can mutate the store
export { 
  actions as todoActions,
  reducer as todoReducer
} from "./data/todo";


export { default as api } from "./api";
export { default as View } from "./views";
export { default as Controller } from "./controller";
export { default as middleware, apiActions } from "./service";


export actions and reducer from data layer which can mutate the store
export { 
  actions as todoActions,
  reducer as todoReducer
} from "./data/todo";


export { default as api } from "./api";