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CDR Framework is a set of tools and libraries that allow you to create a component driven application using Redux and React. CDR Follows some Design Principles that are listed below:

Design Principles

  • Single Source of Truth: The state of your whole application is stored in an object tree within a single Redux store.
  • State is Read-Only: The only way to change the state is to emit an action, an object describing what happened.
  • Dependecy Injection: The only way to get data from server or backend or firebase is to inject it into the store using middleware.
  • Pure Functions: To specify how the state tree is transformed by actions, you write pure reducers.
  • Single Responsibility: Each component should have a single responsibility and should be independent of other components.
  • Separation of Concerns: Separate the state from the view and actions from reducers.
  • Component Driven: Each component should be independent of other components and should be able to be used in other projects.
  • Reusable: Each component should be reusable and should be able to be used in other projects.
  • Testable: Each component should be testable and should be able to be tested in other projects.
  • Scalable: Each component should be scalable and should be able to be scaled in other projects.
  • Maintainable: Each component should be maintainable and should be able to be maintained in other projects.
  • Extensible: Each component should be extensible and should be able to be extended in other projects.


Sequence Diagram

  • Data
    • Data (Store)
    • Data (Reducer)
    • Data (Action)
  • API (Backend, Server, Firebase)
  • Service
    • Service (Middleware)
    • Service (Action)
  • Controller (React)
  • View (React)


  • Data (Store): The store is the redux store that holds the state of the application.
  • Data (Reducer): The reducer is a pure function that takes the previous state and an action, and returns the next state. in simple terms it mutates the state.
  • Data (Action): The action is the only way to mutate the state. it is a plain object that describes what happened. this triggers the reducer to mutate the state.
  • Service (Middleware): The middleware is a function that is able to intercept an action and do something with it before it reaches the reducer. it is used to inject data from server or backend or firebase into the store.
  • API (Backend, Firebase): The api is the server or backend or firebase that is used to get data from. This layer is optional and is used to inject data into the store using middleware.
  • Service (Action): The action is the only way to trigger the middleware. it is a plain object that describes what happened. this triggers the middleware to commiuicate with the api.
  • Controller (React): The controller is a react component that is used to connect the store to the view. it is used to pass the state and actions to the view.
  • View (React): The view is a react component that is used to render the state and trigger the actions. it is used to render the state and trigger the actions.


First of all the user visits the page when the app is mounted the App creates the Data (Store) with the Data Structure. The only way to mutate the store is Data (Reducer) and to trigger reducer and make use of it we need to dispatch an Data (Action). The Data (Action) is triggered by the Service (Middleware) and the Service (Middleware) is triggered by the Service (Action). The Service (Action) is triggered by the Controller (React) and the Controller (React) is triggered by the View (React). The View (React) is rendered by the Controller (React) and the Controller (React) is rendered by the App. The Controller is solely responsible to get the data handle events while the View is only responsible to render the data.

Why it is important?

When Building Large Scalable Application working with react requires you to follow some design principles and patterns. But Following the Design Principle and creating managle component can be hard and time consuming. Even though it is possible to create managable components but making good folder structure and managing the state can be hard. It is proven that Redux can handle state managemenet effeciently. So We Injected Redux into React and created a framework that follows the design principles and patterns and makes it easy to create managable components.